Oregon Receives $5 Million Bonus For Food Stamp Sign-up

Oregon Receives $5 Million Bonus For Food Stamp Sign-up

The Obama administration has now provided incentives for escalating entitlement programs funded by taxpayers by giving the state of Oregon a $5 million bonus for adding a significant increase of citizens to its Food Stamp recipient roster.  This roster has already increased by 60% since 2008, that’s over 780,000 people- that’s 1 out of 5 in Oregon.

More on the story can be found at Judicial Watch.  And the official press release from the Oregon DHS is available here.

In my opinion I feel that this just goes to further illustrate the intricacies of the corruption of our government.  You’ve got the USDA pushing food stamps on people to make them more dependent on the Government and JP Morgan underwriting the Food Stamp program and becoming filthy rich off the disparity of others.  Now USA Today tells us that food stamps will soon be used at fast food chains; so there you have the poisonous processed foods becoming even MORE easily available and destroying the health of the Country subsequently feeding more into the medical industrial complex and reducing a larger portion of the populations overall quality of life.

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