28 Pages Breaking New Ground Inside U.S., China, Russia

The story of the suppressed 28 pages and the Saudi role in terrorism, has broken in both the Chinese and Russian press in the past 36 hours, and it is also breaking out in some new locations inside the U.S.

• The English-language edition of the Chinese semi-official paper, Global Times, ran an article yesterday, “Saudi ties to September 11 attacks still suppressed by official mandate,” by Cliff Kiracofe. It reports on last week’s press conference and Kiracofe’s discussions with the principals at the press conference. Kiracofe says of the 28 pages:

“The report shows that factions within Saudi Arabia financed and organized the 9/11 attacks. This point was made clear at the press conference.”
He notes the spreading press coverage of the 28 pages, and concludes: “The Paris events make it ever more urgent that the White House make public the suppressed pages on the sources of Islamic terrorism.”

• RT ran an interview yesterday with EIR’s Lawrence Freeman on the developments in France, under the headline “Russia, Syria, Iran, China needed in global fight against ISIS.” Freeman describes what would be necessary to actually stop ISIS and global terrorism, and prominently discusses last week’s Capitol Hill press conference, the British-Saudi role, and the fight to declassify the 28 pages.

• In the U.S., there are hundreds of articles and repostings on the 28 pages and the Jan. 7 press conference. Notable are the well-known websites Crooks & Liars, ZeroHedge.com, Daily Beast, the DemocraticUnderground, and the hard-core neo-con site PJMedia.com (run by notorious Michael Ledeen and David Horowitz). PJ’s “Tatler” blog has a posting: “Why Is Saudia Arabia’s Complicity in 9/11 Still Being Redacted?”

• ZeroHedge.com’s posting is “How to beat terrorism: Stop making the seven same mistakes”—its recommendations include:

I. Stop Overthrowing the Moderates and Arming the Crazies…. we’re arming the most violent radicals in the Middle East, as part of a really stupid geopolitical strategy to overthrow leaders we don’t like…

“II. Stop Supporting the Dictators Who Fund Terrorists. Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest sponsor of radical Islamic terrorists. The Saudis have backed ISIS and many other brutal terrorist groups.  According to sworn declarations from a 9/11 Commissioner and the Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11, the Saudi government backed the 9/11 hijackers.”

They conclude with: VII. Stop Covering Up 9/11, which includes a video link to the January 7th Press conference, on the call to release the 28 pages.

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