A Shift in Global Politics

On the same day that global terrorism struck Europe, Jan. 7, LaRouchePAC and EIR unleashed a revolutionary capability which can utterly defeat that terrorism and destroy its sponsors.

This superweapon against global terrorism is not new police-state legislation in the style of Cheney, Bush, and Obama. It was, first, the Jan. 7 indictment from the highest Congressional level, featuring Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 co-chairman, former Sen. Bob Graham, of the leading role of the Saudi monarchy in all global terrorism — followed by worldwide media coverage of this which is still continuing. Then, in the Jan. 9 webcast, Jeff Steinberg’s authoritative exposure in detail of the British/Saudi deployment of all global terror networks. And then, the unleashing of a spirit of national unity and solidarity in one European country — the immense French demonstrations of Jan. 11 — among the many European countries which have lost their sovereignty to British governments of Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, and the repulsive royal family.

SEE “Declassify the 28 Pages”

Declassifying the concealed 28 pages of the 2002 report by Senator Graham’s Joint Congressional Inquiry is now being discussed in media and political organizations all over the world. The Saudi responsibility for world terrorism, and sometimes the ultimate British responsibility as “mother” of terrorism against nations, are being debated in the most unusual locations — “Meet the Press” on U.S. television, media through France, the Thai press, RT, and so on.

Ending terrorism, ending the “clash of civilizations,” ending the British/Obama attempt to destroy Russia, are all being discussed at high levels in the BRICS-allied countries, between them and France, at the Vatican.

Lyndon LaRouche characterizes a potential revolution in policy and outlook, and one which we have helped create. LaRouchePAC has escalated with a leaflet already being distributed across the country, “Top U.S. `Ally’ Created 9/11 Terror.” The mobilization with this capability, launched last Wednesday and Friday, must be escalated, if you are reading this, you should distribute this leaflet to your networks. The terror is still escalating; witness the reports below.

The global driver behind terrorism and the threat of war — thermonuclear war — is ultimately not just London, but the City of London, and Wall Street; the banks packed to the gills with toxic debt, facing another crash, and determined to break nations, and eliminate nations’ ability to regulate or interfere with their crimes in any way. Wall Street and the City are bankrupt, their banking systems are bankrupt. They have to be beaten on that front; but then put through bankruptcy reorganization, a new Glass-Steagall regime.

LaRouche received a report yesterday of the new proposals by leading Greek parties for a European conference to write down Greek debt by treaty — and insisted that it must be the whole of the City-dominated European banking system which is reorganized, because it is all bankrupt. They are only talking about a “Greek” debt crisis to cover their bankrupt rear ends, he said.

Alexander Hamilton’s principle of national credit can then be employed to revive and rebuild economies broken by the speculative crashes of 20 years. LaRouche’s “Four Cardinal Laws,” the first of which is Glass-Steagall, have to be enacted.

SEE “LaRouche’s Four Laws”

The situation demands that we follow through, with no distractions from this mobilization, and get support for it through outreach.

A statement from French leader and LaRouche ally Jacques Cheminade, after marching in Paris, follows below.

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