AUDIO: LaRouche’s Wall Street Warning

Lyndon LaRouche reveals the strategic priorities for today.

The following is an excerpt of comments made by Lyndon LaRouche, Tuesday, January 27, 2015.

…[w]hat we’re doing is, we’re actually saying, that we, as an organization, are saying to the nation as such, that we have given out the orders that what must be done, because Wall Street is bankrupt; and the bankruptcy of Wall Street must not be allowed to sink the Treasury system of the U.S. economy. Therefore, you have to have an intervening term, a method with which you foreclose Wall Street. Foreclose that thing; shut it down!

And the way you shut it down is presenting the program measure which has to be done to shut it down, as its alternative. Because saying the thing that the United States is going to go bankrupt unless we cancel this crap, that’s the statement we have to make, in various ways, and we have to do it now. We have to say, “We are saying, shut this thing down before you destroy the United States.” And you have to; once just say Wall Street is bankrupt and in failure, then all the things that Wall Street involves in terms of trade and whatnot, all these things suddenly come into question. Once you call into question, you say somebody else has to do something else; and we have specified in various ways, in various terms, in various forms, exactly what it is that we have to do. We have to declare it, and the actions of anybody else doing it.

And you have to have the guts and understanding to do that. You don’t go out and ask for permission; you go out there and do it. You simply have to go out in the street and say “Wall Street is hopelessly bankrupt. Its values are falling at accelerating rates. Do you want to go bankrupt with them? Or do you want to put them into bankruptcy?” And then what do you do, to replace them? You define an institution, which is to be created which fits the system as we’ve had it before, under Bill Clinton, while Bill Clinton was still in power. The means that existed then, were the means which could have stopped this thing! And it has to be done. Then you can go up there and say how are you going to implement this, how are you going to implement that, and so forth.

But you’ve got to have a very clear statement to say, these things are bankrupt; you’ve got to shut them down before they destroy the entire U.S. economy. And that’s a fact; that’s the simple truth. And you can’t avoid that fact, because you have no credibility if you don’t understand that fact. You cannot leave the United States government without the means to conduct its banking system. You can’t do it! Anyway. [pause]

You’ve got a very short period of time in which you’ve got to do that. You don’t have much time. Maybe tomorrow; maybe tonight. You don’t have time. And it’s on you; because we can’t think of anybody else who is coming forward on this, except us. In order to do it, say, this is urgent because the United States is going bankrupt as long as it continues to be attached to Wall Street. And Wall Street is spinning into Hell right now; and it’s carrying the United States with it.

And this is the way that the war starts! Forget all these other things that they put out. That’s not the issue, those teasers — that’s not the issue. The issue is, when Wall Street is bankrupt, and spinning in bankruptcy at an accelerating rate, and what will Wall Street do? Wall Street will simply demand that the Federal government honor Wall Street’s debt, whatever. And that will be the launching of the new world war, which takes down the planet.

In other words, shutting down Wall Street provides the means, of getting rid of the danger of the mandatory thermonuclear war. If you don’t do that, you’re going to get a thermonuclear war. If you disarm Wall Street, and say Wall Street is bankrupt but there’s a substitute in place, a Federal substitute, a credit system, which means you’re going back to the changes which came with the ouster of Bill Clinton. And then you can automatically create the temporary institution, which picks up the chips on this thing. Without this, you are headed toward Hell! Because the British and Wall Street, and so forth, are ready to go into a default operation, which results in thermonuclear war. If you don’t understand that, don’t talk. If you do understand it, put it through.

We’ve got to get the guts to understand what we can do, and what we have to do. All you need is a few people who take our instigation, and say “We’re going to create a new way of dumping, and freezing, and closing down on Wall Street.” By doing that, we are implicitly saying, we have to cause an interim arrangement, of the Federal government as an action, which will provide a means of continuing the functioning value of the United States, which is now plunging into extinction, as an economy. And that plunging in the economy will be the official trigger that starts a total World War III.

What will happen? Well, it probably will happen in a curious way, if it happens, that the United States will launch the war attack on Russia. Russia will, a short time after that, launch its version of the war, or vice versa. Which will mean that the Russian bombardment will hit the United States, before the U.S. bombardment hits Russia.

It’s on the edge. It’s Wall Street or you. And that’s where it lies.

Well, I’m willing to do that, and willing to say that.


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