Careening Toward Nuclear War Out of Ukraine Cockpit

Remember former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachov’s Jan. 10 warning, echoing repeated statements of U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche, that any U.S.-Russia confrontation over Ukraine “would inevitably turn into a nuclear war.”

Now consider the cascade of developments since Victoria Nuland’s Nazi-dominated government in Ukraine re-initiated its attempt to retake control of Eastern Ukraine militarily, which is being turned into an British/Obama-led NATO showdown with Russia. On Sunday, during a state visit to India, President Obama immediately charged, without hesitation or evidence, that Russia was responsible for the Jan. 24 attack on civilians in Mariupol, in the eastern region of Ukraine, which he declared to have been carried out by Ukrainian resistance, misnamed “separatists.” Charging that “separatists” carried out that aggression “with Russian backing, Russian equipment, Russian financing, Russian training and Russian troops,” Obama ominously declared that he will “rachet-up pressure” on Russia, looking “at all additional options that are available to us short of military confrontation.” Greater sanctions against Russia will also be on the table at the emergency meeting of European Union Foreign Ministers convoked for Jan. 29.

At the conclusion of an emergency meeting held on Jan. 26., the OSCE Permanent Council expressed:
“deep concern about the increase in violence in Donetsk and Luhansk regions…[and]…stressed the need for all parties to immediately return to peace consultations in order to achieve a sustainable ceasefire and to implement all provisions of the Minsk agreements,”

But belligerent confrontation against Russia dominated the emergency meetings of NATO and the UN Security Council, convoked yesterday also at the request of Nuland’s Ukrainian government. Like Obama, U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power  grandstanded at the UN meeting that
“this offensive is made in Moscow. It is waged by Russian-trained and Russian-funded separatists, who use Russian missiles and Russian tanks, who are backed up by Russian troops.”
UN Under Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman asserted that the Mariupol shelling of civilians came from rebel-controlled territory. Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin’s appeal to Western governments to “stop egging on the Ukrainian hawks. The only thing that will lead to is an even greater catastrophe,” was ignored.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emerged from the NATO ambassadors meeting to likewise charge that the Mariupol attack came from territory controlled by the “separatists” which are backed by Russia. Stoltenberg reported that Ukrainian Gen. Mykhailo Koval briefed the Ukraine’s security and defense council yesterday and will meet with NATO defense councilors today, but claimed NATO only provided “political” support, along with financing (“trust funds”) for modernizing their armed forces and medical aid for wounded soldiers. Ukraine’s Ambassador to NATO Ihor Dolhov indicated Kiev’s request for additional military assistance was made to “individual countries” of NATO.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov responded that the new threats of sanctions against Russia will prove

“absolutely destructive…[which will]…eventually prove to be short-sighted. Russia has never agreed to such threats and moreover, the threats and blackmail have never led and never would lead to the change of Russia’s well-known and logical position…. Instead of stepping up the pressure on those who refuse to start a dialogue and to solve the conflict in a peaceful way, we hear they want to resume this economic blackmail against Russia.”

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