Con-Con Debacle Vote Today?


The bills applying for a dangerous Article V Convention could be voted on TODAY!

It’s critical you take action immediately to stop these bills in the General Assembly – the vote could come at any time!

You can find your State Legislator’s contact information by clicking here.

Demand your State Legislators vote NO on any bill to call an Article V Constitutional Convention.

Do you remember how Establishment Republicans treated the liberty delegates at the 2012 GOP conventions?

Just imagine what will happen at a convention being held to manipulate the U.S. Constitution, with BOTH Republican and Democrat Establishment and hundreds of progressive, George Soros-types pulling the strings.

Without an outpouring of opposition to this bill, I’m afraid every amendment in our Constitution will be put at risk – some groups are pushing for amendments to rewrite the Second Amendment and limit free speech!

That’s why it’s so urgent you take action immediately.

Article V of the Constitution allows states to apply to Congress for a convention to amend the Constitution.  Once a majority of states have submitted similar applications, Congress must “call” the convention.

It’s true that our federal government has strayed.  And many well-meaning conservatives believe an Article V Convention is the proper remedy.

But Article V does not empower the states to have any control over the convention itself.

Once the required number of states apply for the convention, the rest is up to Congress!

You would have NO control over the rules of the convention, proposed amendments, or who attends to represent you – contrary to what some convention supporters are saying.

And the organization behind one of the applications admits on its own website that if a convention is called, “the convention of states itself would determine which ideas deserve consideration. . .”

It’s critical you take action immediately to stop these bills in the General Assembly – the vote could come at any time!

Demand your State Legislators vote NO on any bill to call an Article V Constitutional Convention.

You can find your State Legislator’s contact information by clicking here.

Dustin, literally hundreds of progressive organizations, such as Sierra Club, Code Pink, Alliance for Progressive Values, MoveOn, and “Occupy,” have been pushing for a convention since 2009!

Attendees of the convention will come from all political persuasions, and each one will have the opportunity to tamper with the Constitution

Do you trust the hundreds of progressive organizations calling for an Article V Convention to do the right thing and rein in the federal government?

Do you trust the powerful special interests, backed by George Soros and his ilk, to do the right thing?

Do you trust progressive states like California, New York, and Illinois to fall in line with what Virginia wants?

For all these reasons (and more), Virginia Campaign for Liberty opposes an Article V Convention.

It’s critical you take action immediately to stop these bills in the General Assembly.

Demand your State legislators vote NO on any bill to call an Article V Constitutional Convention

You can find your State Legislator’s contact information by clicking here

A convention is extremely dangerous – especially today!

These bills must be stopped.

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