Conservative Jewish newspaper edits Angela Merkel out of Paris rally picture

‘German Chancellor Angela Merkel may be one of the most powerful people on the planet but that hasn’t stopped an ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper editing her out of a picture of world leaders at the Paris march against terror

The Israeli Haredi daily HaMevaser also managed to remove Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo from the picture, and chose to crop it so that Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt was just out of shot – although her left hand stays in.

Haredi publications have been criticised in the past for editing women out of their pictures, citing modesty as the reason. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can’t even use that excuse to explain why he tweeted a picture of himself in the front row of world leaders at the march, but managed to crop the shot just at the point where Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was out rather than in.’

Read more: Conservative Jewish newspaper edits Angela Merkel out of Paris rally picture

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