Danish Daily Jyllands-Posten Covers Effort To Declassify 28 Pages

One of Denmark’s major dailies, Jyllands-Posten, covered the Jan. 7 press conference of Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. Stephen Lynch to force President Obama to declassify the 28-page chapter of the Joint Congressional Inquiry report on the role of Saudi Arabia in financing the 9/11 hijackers, in the course of an interview in its Jan. 27 issue with Dearborn, Michigan Imam Mohammad Elahi.  Imam Elahi’s House of Wisdom mosque hosted Dearborn’s interfaith celebration of Martin Luther King’s birthday this year.

Without extremist religious ammunition and lots of money from Saudi Arabia, it would be relatively easy to defeat the Islamist terrorism, Elahi, an Iranian Shi’ite who immigrated to Michigan in 1992, told Jyllands-Posten

“The Wahhabi ideology of Saudi Arabia has created the roots of much of the terrorism that we see today.  Take, for example beheadings committed by groups like Islamic State and al-Nusra Front. They are clearly inspired and ideologically influenced by the traditions of Saudi Arabia… I agree that there is a great need to reform Islam. Some of the materials used in teaching in Saudi Arabia and that the Saudis are exporting to schools in Pakistan, Afghanistan and several African countries, are directly dangerous because it only spreads hatred and discord.  Of course you can’t change the text of the Koran itself, but you can reform the understanding and interpretation of it.”

He was not shy in his criticism of Washington’s collaboration with the Saudis: 

“It is a problem that the United States in the fight against IS cooperates with those who fund the Islamists. There are not that many warriors of the Islamic State, when it comes down to it, so if you stop sending money and weapons, they will be finished in a short time.  If the world really wanted to stop them, it would happen quite quickly.”

Under the subhead “Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11,” Jyllands-Posten describes:

“Politicians in Congress have long demanded greater pressure from the White House to stop the flow of money from the oil state to the religious extremists, and in these days a group of American politicians from both parties is trying to press President Obama to publish the 28 pages from a [2002] report on the terrorist attack against the United States on September 11, 2001.  The 28 pages are about Saudi Arabia’s role and were classified top secret by then-President George W. Bush.

“Republican Walter Jones from Georgia and Democrat Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts are among the few politicians who have read the report, describing it as shocking.  It was known that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, but now politicians suggest that the White House is concealing the fact that the Saudi government both knew the plans and helped to finance the attack.”

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