David Cameron has broken his ‘vow’ to the Scottish people

‘David Cameron, in his visit to Scotland today, claimed that the pre-referendum “vow” to Scotland was being delivered in full. Sadly, the reality falls a long way short of that boast.

For a start, the proposals of the Smith commission, published last November, did not match the rhetoric of the unionist parties in the run-up to the independence referendum, when Scots were promised “home rule”, “devo max” and “near federalism” if they voted no.

Modest though it was, we supported the Smith commission package as far as it went. However, today’s proposals involve a further watering down by, crucially, giving Westminster what is in effect a veto over any Scottish government proposals to chart our own course on welfare policy – including any moves to scrap the bedroom tax.’

Read more: David Cameron has broken his ‘vow’ to the Scottish people

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