David Cameron to push for more surveillance powers against ‘Islamist death cult’

‘David Cameron is meeting intelligence and security chiefs to discuss Britain’s response to the terror attacks in France which began with last week’s massacre at Charlie Hebdo magazine.

After joining French president Francois Hollande and more than 1 million marchers on the streets of Paris yesterday in a unity rally in memory of the 17 victims, the Prime Minister pledged to introduce “more comprehensive” powers to monitor terror suspects in the UK.

He said Britain is facing the same threat as France from what he described as “this fanatical death cult of Islamist extremist violence”, adding: “We have to confront it in our own country, keeping our security strong but also taking on this poisonous narrative that is radicalising young minds, wherever we find it.”‘

Read more: David Cameron to push for more surveillance powers against 'Islamist death cult'

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