Doctors ‘used nine-year-olds as human guinea pigs’ for a new cervical cancer vaccine … and they suffered side-effects including nausea, dizziness and weight-loss

‘Children as young as nine suffered side-effects after being used as unwitting human guinea pigs for a new multi-billion pound anti-cervical cancer drug, it has been claimed.

The new anti-cancer drug has just been approved for use in the United States and is due to be released in Britain this year.

But MailOnline has learned that several of the children used as ‘guinea pigs’ for the drug trial in India reported suffering problems including weight loss, fatigue, dizziness and menstrual problems.

They and their parents claim they had no idea they were being used to test out Gardasil 9, which was then an untried drug.’

Read more: Doctors 'used nine-year-olds as human guinea pigs' for a new cervical cancer vaccine … and they suffered side-effects including nausea, dizziness and weight-loss

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