Frackgate: Osborne in fracking scandal

I don’t give two hoots about democracy. We’ll make sure fracking happens even if you don’t want it – shocking revelations in a letter from Chancellor George Osborne to his Government colleagues.

‘The letter, leaked to Friends of the Earth, spells out the Government’s underhand plan to roll out fracking no matter what. Osborne’s recommendations include:

Side-stepping democracy – less time spent consulting the public

Undermining elected representatives – by helping fracking companies overturn applications rejected by county councils.

Carrying out the fracking industry’s PR – spending cash on a ‘communications plan’ (market research) to see which messages work best on people.

The letter reveals just how closely the Government is working with industry to make sure that fracking takes off in the UK. It reflects badly on David Cameron who said that local councils and communities should be free to decide if they want fracking.

Read more: Frackgate: Osborne in fracking scandal

Read the letter and Annex A here …

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