Fund Manager: PMs Raided to Prevent Feb Delivery Run on COMEX Gold!

With Silver enduring the largest 1-day smash in 18 months Thursday, PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler joined the show this week discussing:

  • Gold & silver take-down on options expiration/ First Notice Day- Cartel had to force selling of 3 million oz of Feb gold contracts to prevent a potential run on delivery in Feb gold!
  • With the cartel desperate to prevent a delivery run on Feb gold, are fireworks looming for April delivery? 
  • Kranzler explains why One of these months a high percentage of longs will finally stand for delivery, & its LIGHTS OUT for the COMEX!
  • Is the End Game in progress- Could the long awaited Economic Armageddon finally arrive in 2015?
  • The Indian Physical Giant is stirring- Kranzler explains why data out of India indicate a BIG move is imminent
  • Gold & the Dollar rising in tandem- why this might foretell one of the largest bull moves of the secular bull run!

Click here for the SD Weekly Metals & Markets With The Doc, Eric Dubin, & PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler:

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