Hidden in ‘Plain Sight’

‘Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that very few will ever consider. It is a state of awareness that escapes even the most astute observer because it’s hidden in plain sight, or perhaps it’s the “plain sight” that’s hidden. So for the purpose of clarity and proper orientation, please allow me to present this “aspect” in the more malleable form of a question.

Do You See In – Or Do You See Out?

To philosophers and shamans this remains a very old and salient postulate. I sense this question will appeal and resonate with the awakening mind and to those who are curious by nature. However, to those who fully subscribe to the left-brain constructs plaguing modern academia, the mere suggestion of this topic will be decisively dismissed as idiotic. The Square Hats are therefore welcome to sit this one out.’

Read more: Hidden in ‘Plain Sight’

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