If Alexander Hamilton Were Alive Today. . .

Today is the birthday of the founder of the American System of Political Economy, Alexander Hamilton, who was born January 11, 1757 (or 1755). Hamilton went from the obscurity of a Caribbean Island, to become a world-historical genius operating out of New York City, with the conceptions necessary to create a republic based on a commitment to unending economic progress, conceptions intended to be applied not only in the newly formed United States, but worldwide.

Hamilton succeeded in creating that Republic, but the British Empire which he fought was not destroyed. Today that Empire still maintains a vise-grip on the United States, and threatens to blow up the whole world in nuclear war, if it doesn’t get the concessions it needs to maintain its power.

Just as Hamilton knew, even as a very young man, that the British Empire could not destroy the American colonies in a war, he would recognize today that the British cannot win their contest against the rest of the world, without destroying themselves. Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly stressed that point as well. But they can destroy the rest of the world with them, if the necessary leadership does not emerge to destroy their power.

In the recent weeks, there are ever-increasing indications that top political layers, particularly in Germany, but also in other countries of Europe, understand the imminent danger created by the British imperial thrust against Russia. Indeed, that the Londonistan attack on France followed soon after President Hollande’s attack on the EU/NATO confrontational stance toward Russia, may not be coincidental. One of the loudest voices of warning is, ironically, that of erstwhile British agent Mikhail Gorbachov, hardly seen as a prophet in his own Russia, but now correctly speaking out frequently on the danger of a war confrontation provoked by the West. In this week’s interview in Der Spiegel, he is more explicit than ever: what’s threatened is “nuclear war.”

Another aspect of the danger the Europeans see clearly is the rise of full-fledged Nazism, being backed by the British-NATO forces. Western backing for Nazism in Ukraine clearly leads to war—as Ukrainian patriot Natalia Vitrenko pointed out forcefully in the statement we report below.

How can this war be stopped? Once again, only by Hamilton’s approach to political economy—the approach which overturns the system of imperial financial dictatorship, and replaces it with a system based on physical economic cooperation and scientific growth. That is the approach that has now been taken up by the BRICS, as an alternative to geopolitics, but which desperately needs to be taken up by the United States as well.

This coming week must see a non-linear upsurge of that Hamiltonian approach in the United States, spearheaded from his New York City, but leading the entire nation into a decisive break from the British Empire. Hamilton was an exemplary fighter, known for going against all the odds to win victories that appeared impossible. That is our task in the immediate days ahead.

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