Iraq War: Chilcot inquiry report might not be published until 2016

‘The Iraq War inquiry report might be delayed until 2016, because of the length of time it is taking to deal with politicians who are facing criticism.

Sir John Chilcot, the inquiry’s chairman, warned in a letter to David Cameron, the Prime Minister, that the completion of the report – which started work in 2009 and finished taking evidence in 2011 – would take “some further months” and he could not give an “accurate estimate” of when it would be published.

Sir John said the report would not be ready in time for May’s general election because it would be “based on a thorough and comprehensive account of the relevant events from 2001 – 2009”, describing this as a “long period”.

Whitehall sources said that Sir John’s letter was a clear warning that the report was months from conclusion, and that it could even not be published until 2016.’

Read more: Iraq War: Chilcot inquiry report might not be published until 2016

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