It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Banking System

…it must be the whole of the City-dominated European banking system which is reorganized, because it is all bankrupt. They are only talking about a “Greek” debt crisis to cover their bankrupt rear ends
Lyndon LaRoucheJanuary 12th, 2015

Lyndon LaRouche made those comments after having heard a report yesterday of the new proposals by leading Greek parties for a European conference to write down Greek debt by treaty. Discussion of Greece among Trans-Atlantic banking circles has proved very worrisome over recent weeks, with the expectation that the anti-Euro Syriza party will handily win the upcoming Jan. 25th election.

What is not being discussed is the only solution to saving Greece, Europe, or the entire Transatlantic banking system. Namely, LaRouche’s four cardinal laws, beginning with Glass-Steagall.

It is for that reason that we discuss below some earlier periods of international debt discussions, notably the 1953 London Debt restructuting conference, which occurred during a period where the Glass-Steagall banking standard existed in the United States.

Also included are a recent commentary by Liam Halligan, on the utter insanity of the policy of Quantitative Easing, and a short piece on the upcoming pitfalls of the failed oil-price drop policy.

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