Just 100 days to the election and I’m deeply alarmed by voters’ contempt for politicians

‘Have you got your souvenir wallchart? Is your pulse racing just a little faster? Yes, there are just 100 days left to my equivalent of the FA Cup final. The moment we all get to choose who governs us.

The General Election will be here in no time, on May 7. What do you mean you’re not excited? The mood of the nation as it approaches polling day seems to vary from, at best, a weary shrug of indifference to the two main parties, to, at worst, an angry cry of ‘a plague on all your houses’.

An alarmingly high proportion of the voters I talk to tell me either that they stopped believing politicians made any difference to their lives a long time ago, or that they’re as mad as hell and not going to take this any more.

Again and again in recent weeks I’ve been struck by the craving of many people for something better than what politics currently has to offer.’

Read more: Just 100 days to the election and I'm deeply alarmed by voters' contempt for politicians

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