Just saying …

So many people can’t see that they are being played off against each other so each keeps the other in line and in silence for fear of ‘offending’ someone, anyone. ‘You can’t say that about me or you’re racist’ – ‘and you can’t say that about me or you’re ‘anti-Semitic’ – ‘and you can’t say that about me or you are sexist, ageist, homophobic’ … and all the other labels in the ever-increasing list of ‘ists’ and ‘bics’.

Maybe I should coin the term ‘Ickeist’ given the daily abuse I have taken for decades for simply having a different angle on reality to the great majority. But then I don’t need to because the power to be offended or not offended lies not with the abuser but with the receiver of abuse.

If I am offended by the comments of idiots and hate-filled trolls then that is more a statement about me than them. They may be idiots and they may be hate-filled, but I would be allowing myself to be affected by the idiots and hate-filled – how crazy is that?

But PC madness has gone far beyond mere abuse and into the fairyland of censoring the innocuous and friendly ribbing and banter.

We have become a population not only incredibly easily offended – but also one allowing itself to be told what to be offended about by the professional censors and Thought Police appointed by the less-than-one-per-cent to constantly erode our freedom of expression and turn us against each other.

We forget at our peril and our children’s peril that freedom of expression includes people saying what we don’t like or agree with.

Does anyone really think that the slave-trade and mass-killing families in the global cabal manipulating, encouraging and legislating ‘Political Correctness’ could give a damn about what they consider the ‘lower races’ being offended about ANYTHING?

It is all to divide and rule us. And so far it’s working for so many – but it doesn’t have to.

It’s just a choice.

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