KasichCare Already 20% Over Budget

Governor Kasich is obsessed with ObamaCare expansion.

And it just got more expensive.

With months to go before the fiscal year is over, Kasich’s ObamaCare expansion is already 20% over budget.

Despite this alarming news, Governor Kasich recently tried to sell ObamaCare expansion to the state of Wyoming, telling them to “just do it.”

And he’s visiting other states and giving similar advice.

Why is Governor Kasich collaborating with President Obama and actively selling ObamaCare across the country?

John Kasich wants legislators everywhere to just ignore the truthObamaCare is a massively unaffordable, budget-busting failure that is driving UP costs and destroying our health care.

Click here to sign the petition demanding Ohio legislators END the dangerous ObamaCare expansion scheme this session.

As you know, John Kasich forced ObamaCare down Ohio citizen’s throats last year – without legislative approval.

But the Ohio General Assembly has to vote to continue the failed program this session.

And they can refuse to cave to the governor’s unaffordable ObamaCare scheme.

Many of Ohio’s legislators have claimed to oppose ObamaCare since it passed, but now they’re being pressured by John Kasich and other Establishment forces to continue the program.

You can be sure the horse-trading and backroom deals are reaching a fever pitch.

Funding for KasichCare will be included in the governor’s budget this year, which will be unveiled on February 3rd.

It’s imperative we let them know loud and clear that Ohio citizens don’t want the expansion renewed.

Your state legislators MUST understand – a vote for Governor Kasich’s Medicaid expansion IS a vote for ObamaCare.

With enough grassroots pressure, there’s a very real chance we can reverse course on KasichCare this year.

That’s why it’s so important to gather as many petition signatures as possible.

We’ll deliver the signatures before the vote, so be sure to click here to sign your petition, and ask your friends and family to do the same.

So just why is Governor Kasich choosing to actively support a law we can’t afford that is destroying America’s health care system and trampling on our rights?

ObamaCare attempts to lure states into expanding their Medicaid programs by promising to pay certain associated costs for a couple of years.

Many governors like John Kasich are salivating over those “free” federal dollars.

But Ohio has to cover the millions in administrative expenses.

And soon, the federal government will reduce the reimbursement rate significantly, leaving our state with the obligation to dole out an even greater portion of the tab.

And just because the federal government might cover a larger share of the costs for a couple of years does NOT mean the money is free!

Whether the money comes from the federal or the state government, YOUR tax dollars are paying the tab.

Your taxes will have to be increased to pay for it.

But the Supreme Court struck down the unaffordable ObamaCare expansion mandate and made it optional.

And the truth is, if John Kasich and the Ohio General Assembly reauthorize ObamaCare expansion this session, higher taxes and out-of-control spending could be the least of your worries.

ObamaCare is designed to completely destroy private sector competition and force all Americans into a government-run system.

And Medicaid expansion is a key step toward that end.

Click here to sign the petition demanding Ohio legislators END the dangerous ObamaCare expansion scheme this session.

Medicaid already cost taxpayers half-a-trillion dollars a year before states started expanding the program.

Aside from the costs and poor quality of Medicaid, the system is rampant with fraud and abuse.

And the more Medicaid expands, the worse it’s going to get.

In fact, ObamaCare expansion is estimated to cost taxpayers $60 billion per year in fraud alone.

Ohio simply cannot afford this budget-busting burden.

It’s time to stand up and demand the General Assembly end ObamaCare in Ohio.

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