LaRouche: A Revolution Is Occurring in France

More than a million people surged through the boulevards of Paris yesterday in a rally for unity, described as the largest demonstration in French history, AP reports. Almost four million Frenchmen rallied throughout France, according to the Interior Ministry, including 1.2-1.6 million in Paris, in the greatest nationwide demonstrations at least since the liberation of France from the Nazis.

President François Hollande said: “Today, Paris is the capital of the world…Our entire country will rise up towards something better,” the Independent reported.

On the demonstrators, AP reported that “many shed the aloof attitude Parisians are famous for, helping strangers with directions, cheering and crying together.”

On Republic Square, deafening applause rang out as the world leaders walked past, amid tight security and an atmosphere of togetherness amid adversity. Families of the victims, holding each other for support, marched in front along with the leaders and with journalists working for the Charlie Hebdo newspaper. Several wept openly.

Lyndon LaRouche said that the people of France have begun to fight. They have realized that they must change French policies, which is a revolution in itself. France is mounting a heroic struggle; Germany has not reached that point, but we hope it will. France’s reaction could break into a new revolutionary improvement in the French economy and the French nation. Take the French situation now, and look at other parts of Europe, such as Greece. A revolution is occurring in France.

LaRouche also said that the events in France this week would not have unfolded as they did, but for the history-making Wednesday, Jan. 7, Washington, DC press conference led by former Senator Bob Graham of Florida and others, demanding declassification of the 28 pages of the report of the Congressional Joint Inquiry on 9-11, pages which reportedly pinpoint the role of Saudi Arabia in 9-11.

John Lichfield’s coverage of the Paris demonstration in the London Independent seemed most effective in the English-language press.

He wrote:

“many people in the crowd had a sense that something special was happening. France is a land where politics happens on the street, but this was something unheard of: a demonstration for the values of the French Republic…. This was a shout of defiance.

“The whole of Paris seems to be here,” said Michel, 46, an estate agent. “I can’t describe the mood. There is a feeling of anger and determination, but also relief at being able to express our feelings after three days of shock after shock. People will say it’s just a passing thing, but I think something important is happening here today. France will not be the same after today.”

The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, and many others also spoke of history being made…. There was something deeply moving and uplifting about today’s huge march after three days of senseless slaughter.

The mood of the crowd was a bizarre mixture of sombre, defiant and almost joyous. One sign in the crowd read: “They wanted to bring France to its knees. Instead they brought Europe to its feet.”

Fifteen minutes before the march was due to begin, the Place de la République in eastern Paris was jammed solid like an old-fashioned standing football crowd. Every avenue and boulevard and street leading to the square was packed for 100 metres or more.

Most people were unable to move forward. New rivers and streams of humanity still poured into the crowd from every direction. Spontaneously, the people began to clap rhythmically. The clapping spread like a river of sound up every avenue and boulevard.

In the centre of the square, the statue of Marianne, the woman who symbolises the French Republic, was festooned with banners and French, Tunisian, Algerian and Moroccan flags.

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