Londonistan’s Children Take Credit for Paris Mayhem

Both Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State took credit for the massacre at Charlie Hebdo in Paris yesterday. The news agency Suriya al-En reported that Sheikh Abu Saad Ansari, a lead preacher for the Islamic State, said during his Friday sermon in Mosul Jan. 9, that the terror action in France was a message to all members of the coalition against IS.

“Today, we began attacks in France, but tomorrow it will be Great Britain, the United States and all others,” he was quoted–claiming that the attacks were in retribution for the death of mujahideen in the region.

As-Safir daily said Jan. 9 that Lebanese intelligence and that of other Arab states had warned France about possible terror attacks coming.

Earlier on Jan. 9, AP quoted a member of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula as saying that it had directed the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Meanwhile, one of the key recruiters of these networks, from Finsbury Mosque in London, Abu Hamza, was sentenced in a New York City court to life in prison, for his role in abetting terrorist attacks.

Saudi Extremists To Kill Another Journalist, Confirm Senator Graham’s Charges

Following former Sen. Bob Graham’s powerful indictment Jan. 7 of Saudi sponsorship of global terrorism, including the 9/11 attacks, a 30-year old journalist who had been accused of “insulting Islam” has become the latest victim of Saudi/Wahhabi terrorism. Though he survived the initial attack, the extremists are determined to kill him.

Raif Badawi, who is a Saudi national and blogs on the website “Free Saudi Liberals,” was sentenced to ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes by a Saudi court on Jan. 7, for “insulting Islam” — the same charge Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) made against the Charlie Hebdo journalists when it publicly ordered their killing in November 2014.

The Paris terrorists apparently carried out this order against the French journalists. Saudi judicial authorities in Riyadh are carrying out the order to kill Raif Badawi. He was flogged 50 times on Jan. 9 under a judicial order saying he “should be lashed severely,” and is to be given 50 more “severe” lashes for the next 19 Fridays. It is not considered likely that Badawi will live through the full 1,000 lashes if the Wahhabi extremists in Riyadh are not stopped.

Badawi’s wife Haidar also received threats of death beginning in 2012, and was able to escape with their three children to Montreal.

Amnesty International and other human rights groups have launched an international campaign of petitions and vigils to put pressure on the Saudi government to release Badawi. A vigil will be held in Montreal on Jan. 13, Badawi’s 31st birthday.

The same Saudi extremist authorities are reported to have carried out 81 beheadings of their prisoners during 2014, still exceeding and setting an example for their spawn, the Islamic State or ISIS terrorists. Thus it may be very difficult to rescue the journalist Badawi before they kill him.

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