Marine Le Pen Hits Saudis and Qatar as Terrorist Funders

Marine Le Pen, head of the right-wing Front National, which a recent poll showed to be the leading party in France, with support from about one-third of the population, due primarily for its anti-euro stand, published an op-ed in the New York Times on June 18 directly attacking Saudi Arabia and Qatar for their funding and support for jihadist terrorists. Le Pen wrote:

“French foreign policy has wandered between Scylla and Charybdis in the last few years. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s intervention in Libya [which turned the country over to terrorist gangs—ed.], President François Hollande’s support for some Syrian fundamentalists, alliances formed with rentier states that finance jihadist fighters, like Qatar and Saudi Arabia—all are mistakes that have plunged France into serious geopolitical incoherence from which it is struggling to extricate itself.

“Incidentally…Gerd Müller, Germany’s federal minister of economic cooperation and development, deserves praise for having the clear-sightedness, like the Front National, of accusing Qatar of supporting jihadists in Iraq.”

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