Massive Upvaluation of Swiss Franc Stuns Wall Street and London; Extent of Damage to US Zombie Banks Not Yet Fully Known; Heralds Acute Phase in Breakdown Crisis of Globalization; Currency Predators Eye Danish Crown; Syriza Launches Salonika Program to Save Greek Working People; House Democratic Leadership Concedes 0.1% Wall Street Sales Tax on Stocks; Petraeus Facing Indictment, ISIS Czar Allen Next; CIA-FBI Hype Terror to Chill Anti-Austerity Resistance from Greece to Ohio; Judge in Pinkney Case Punts, Delays Sentencing Due to “Letters and Publicity”

Including Interviews with Michael Chiotinis in Athens and Daniela Walls, Chairwoman of the Tax Wall Street Party

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. – World Crisis Radio January 17, 2015

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Former CIA boss and CENTCOM Commander Gen.David Petraeus, who resigned in disgrace in November 2012 after it was revealed he had transmitted top-secret information […]

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