Minimum wage hikes, soda taxes, and tiger selfies?

The start of a New Year brings a raft of New State and Federal Laws.  Many of these laws are anti-liberty and fly in the face of sound economics. For instance, 20 states and many cities are raising their minimum wage. Residents of Berkeley California who enjoy sweet tea or diet coke will be faced with a new tax on sugary soft drinks. They also will not be able to put their sugary drinks in plastic bags as a state-wide ban on those bags went into effect in California on January 1.

Arizonians must have been listening to Ron Paul as they passed “Right To Try” legislation giving terminally-ill patients access to drugs that passed clinical trials but have not yet been approved by the FDA. This is something Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul championed thorough his years in Congress, and hopefully will spread through more states.

Perhaps the most important law passed this year deals with an issue of importance to all Americans: Tiger Selfies. Yes, some people take “selfies” with tigers, lions, and other big cats at zoos, circuses, and county fairs. The selfies are popular on online dating sites.

Well, lovers of tiger selfies (and lovers of those who pose in Tiger Selfies) in New York are out of luck starting in February because a law banning Tiger Selfies in New York goes into effect.

Without the Nanny State who would stop us from taking Tiger Selfies?


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