Nothing Comes Between Her & Her Calvin$

When logic fails, there’s always beauty.  If math class is too tough, there’s always a career in fashion.  However, when fashion, finance and religion collide, there’s serious money to be made.

Sometimes resorting to a personal attack on your accountant’s fashion sense is the best way to get them to open their wallet.  Then again, undermining the entire concept that debt is bad can be a real windfall for a global debt salesman in Davos.  Saving is bad… rent withstanding.  Handing over $50 cash in exchange for your Calvinism, now that’s priceless.

“Is it too much to ask that Germany take a forward-looking view of a common European destiny in thinking about macroeconomic policy … rather than a retaining a green-eyeshade accounting mentality?”

Larry Summers channeling Davos Man.

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