Paris Double Siege Ends in Death of Suspects, New ‘Anti-Semitic’ and ‘Al-Awlaki’ Narratives Emerge

‘The Orwellian propaganda is stunning here. According to AP, “The State Department’s warning says attacks against Americans are becoming increasingly prevalent…”, even though no US citizens have actually been targeted (wouldn’t that be the definition of ‘prevalent’?).

The US declaration came on the heels of Britain’s MI5 Director, Andrew Parker, who yesterday warned that Al Qaeda militants in Syria are plotting attacks to inflict mass casualties in the West, possibly against transport systems or “iconic targets” (tourist destinations), and claimed that a strike on the United Kingdom was “highly likely”, stating that, “A group of core al Qaeda terrorists in Syria is planning mass casualty attacks against the West”.

This is not the first time such a sweeping announcement has been made. In fact, between the US and Britain, records will show that such statements are released at regular intervals, approximately 18 months apart.’

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