Paris Terror Attacks: Who Was Behind This Dastardly Act of Terror? The Suspects Killed by Police, Forecloses a Judicial Procedure.

‘The massacre could well have been a Mossad operation to arrest the growing tide of support and sympathy for the Palestinians in their struggle for statehood among people in France and in a number of other European countries. This is the one really momentous development of the last few months that has impacted upon the Israeli government and global Zionism. Parliaments in Sweden and Spain to Ireland and Britain have adopted resolutions endorsing the Palestinian struggle.

France has also taken a similar step. In my main article I alluded to the French vote in the UN Security Council which some analysts have described as the culmination of a major shift in the public mood vis-a-vis the Israel-Palestine conflict within Europe.

By staging a massacre which once again reinforces the image of the Muslim as a terrorist opposed to civilized values such as the freedom of expression and incapable of living in harmony with the majority population, Mossad and the Israeli government may be seeking to drive a wedge between the majority European citizenry and the Muslim minority.’

Read more: Paris Terror Attacks: Who Was Behind This Dastardly Act of Terror? The Suspects Killed by Police, Forecloses a Judicial Procedure.

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