Police Bosses to NYPD: Start Arresting People for Victimless Crimes Again or Lose Vacations

‘In order to protest what they view as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s mistreatment of cops, the NYPD has scaled back its ticket-writing. The result? Crime has not increased but the government’s revenues have slumped. To make up for the lack of enforcement, police precincts around New York have instituted a new policy. As one union source told the New York Post,

“Police officers around the city are now threatened with transfers, no vacation time and sick time unless they write summonses…This is the same practice that caused officers to be labeled racist and abusers of power.”’

Read more: Police Bosses to NYPD: Start Arresting People for Victimless Crimes Again or Lose Vacations

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