Randy Andy, and Charles mourning a tyrant: Is it time to chop off the Royal Family?

‘Next Friday it will be exactly 366 years since we chopped off the head of King Charles I.

It’s widely regarded now as the necessary execution of a man who tried to constrain Parliament and his people, who thought he was ordained by God to oppress whomever he liked, and the net result was that – after a short time in the Sin Bin – our Royal Family realised it ruled only with our consent.

At the time it was seen rather differently. A group of insurgents had seized control of a kingdom by force, publicly beheaded someone, and went about saying their God was much better than everyone else’s.

There are plenty of similarities between the Roundheads and Islamic State, not least their mutual dislike of Christmas which, in the case of Oliver Cromwell and his New Model Army, was their eventual undoing.’

Read more: Randy Andy, and Charles mourning a tyrant: Is it time to chop off the Royal Family?

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