Saudi Arabia: The Monster Is Dead, May The New Monster Die Soon

‘The obituaries of mainstream U.S. media and “western” politicians on the Saudi King Abdullah are laughingly sycophantic:

A master politician, he gained a reputation as a reformer without changing his country’s power structure and maintained good relations with the United States while striking an independent course in foreign policy.

The Post closed its comment section on the obit to not be called out for its bootlicking. How much did the Saudis pay for this coverage? For a realistic view on the now dead monster read the Guardian obit: Monarch whose reign saw the spread of division, corruption and strife, and was saved only by ‘black gold’. The deceased left dozens of wives, tens of kids and ten-thousands of terrorists behind him.

The new king Salman, a fervent Wahabbi who has Alzheimer and is unlikely to rule for long, immediately launched an internal coup to further empower his branch of the tribal family:’

Read more: Saudi Arabia: The Monster Is Dead, May The New Monster Die Soon

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