Sink Wall Street Now

The most crucial element in preventing thermonuclear war is the necessity of shutting down Wall Street. Wall Street must be pulled down now, directly. If that is omitted or we go with something less significant, then we fail. We have to sink Wall Street directly. The Wall Street issue is the breaking point, the crucial issue.

By shutting down Wall Street and dismantling the Anglo-Saudi Empire, we can change history.
— Lyndon LaRouche • Jan 11th, 2015

This drive against Wall Street has to be carried out in conjunction with what happened on Wednesday with the press conference on the declassification of the 28 pages on the Saudi role in 9/11, and the webcast done by Jeff Steinberg on Friday.

Going back to January 2001, nine months before 9/11, Lyndon LaRouche himself exposed the fact that the Bush/Cheney administration would go for a Reichstag fire. And then on the day of 9/11 itself, in a radio interview, Lyn exposed the complicity of the Bush/Cheney administration in what transpired that day.

But Lyn stressed that what Jeff Steinberg did during the Friday webcast is the only competent public presentation of the Anglo-Saudi role in 9/11 ever presented to the world.

These two issues in combination are the key to victory– sinking Wall Street now with Lyn’s Four Laws and exposing the Anglo-Saudi responsibility for 9/11 and their policy of genocide, as was done in the Wednesday press conference and the Friday webcast.

SEE “LaRouche’s Four Laws”

LaRouche emphasized that what just happened in France could not have happened without the press conference on Wednesday on the 28 pages. The terror attack in France was undoubtedly intended, as Helga LaRouche emphasized, to terrify the population in France and to intimidate French President Hollande, who days before the terror attack had called for the lifting of sanctions against Russia.

But the French people were not intimidated. They responded with the biggest demonstration in France since World War II.

As LaRouche stressed, the fight in France comes out of the people of France. France is heroic right now. As a result, France can break out in a revolutionary way, with a global impact, which can have an impact on Greece. In fact, what is happening now in France may stop thermonuclear war.

LaRouche emphasized, that if we had focused on the two issues he identified, we would be far ahead. But we didn’t, and as a result became stuck. Now we have to go all the way, far enough and fast enough to the do the job. By shutting down Wall Street and dismantling the Anglo-Saudi Empire, we can change history. Helga Zepp-LaRouche further stressed that this month is the most important one of our lives.

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