Snack Yourself Skinny?

As the new years rolls in, taking stock of the one just past can prompt the age-old resolutions, ‘eat healthier’ and ‘make better choices’.

While taking steps towards these goals is often easier said than done, figuring out what foods will keep the weight off and your stomach full is much easier thanks to Sheila Zhou, expert scientist at the USANA Health Sciences.

’Often when we graze between meals we make the mistake of opting for calorie laden foods, rather than making nutritious choices,’ Ms Zhou told Daily Mail Australia.

‘Not only does this hinder our body’s ability to properly process the food; it often also results in weight gain from the additional calorie consumption,’ she said.

‘Thankfully, there are alternatives that not only keep your energy levels up but also help you to shed those unwanted kilos.’

After studying the diet of the average Australian, Ms Zhou noticed that people were choosing convenience over nutrition, resulting in a shocking deficiency in vitamins and minerals.

‘If you look at the 2013-2014 survey done by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, you’ll see that more than 90% of Australians don’t eat the recommended servings of fruit and vegatbales,’ Ms Zhou said.

‘People are opting for convenience, and often aren’t aware that the types of food they are reaching for are high in sugar and saturated fats- things like processed and fast food,’ she said.

Ms Zhou decided to compile a list of alternatives to the unhealthy food many were consuming, under the principle that swapping, rather than removing, snacks was the ideal way to stay healthy.

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