The Conspiracy of Language

‘Here’s a good exercise that will help alter your conscious awareness and put punch and clarity where slosh once existed. Don’t even use the words “hope” or “believe”. Every time you’re tempted to say, write or even think these debilitating, nebulous concepts, replace “I hope” or “I believe” with “I think” or “it appears to me” or something else realistic that clearly indicates what you really mean.

These types of inhibitors are a subtle trick of the programmed language we’ve been handed.

We don’t need full evidence to make conjectures or intuitive surmisings. Just call them what they are. Hope is one of the most misleading and disempowering terms we’ve ever been handed, as is belief. Drop them entirely. We tend to know what people seem to mean when using these terms, but they’re still just as intellectually and spiritually crippling.’

Read more: The Conspiracy of Language

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