Ukraine Contemplates Declaring Martial Law and War on Russia

‘Kiev is ready to impose martial law in the South-East of Ukraine and to declare war on Russia. This was announced in Verkhovnaya Rada, confessed the head of the Committee on National Security and Defense. Deputies noted that the decision has been made, only postponed for financial reasons, because the IMF will not give money to a country at war.

Recall that the national guard received orders to take Donetsk and the airport close to it, but… it turned out that the security forces were not ready to attack. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin offered Petro Poroshenko a new proposal for the withdrawal of heavy artillery. Kiev refused it, without offering anything in return. Later, the Ukrainian authorities offered Moscow to sign the schedule of implementation of the Minsk agreements.

At the same time, the fourth wave of mobilization started in Ukraine. The decree was signed by Poroshenko even a few days before the deadline – the reason for this was a tragedy near Volnovaha, which killed 12 passengers of the bus. Male population of Ukraine again is preparing for mass exodus, during which entire villages of males disappear. Experts have already wrote that in any scenario of a military solution to the conflict, Ukraine will lose.’

Read more: Ukraine Contemplates Declaring Martial Law and War on Russia

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