Victims of the Church care home Dr Mengele: For Teresa and her children, the damage of horrific drug experiments inflicted on girls in Church of England care homes 30 years ago can never be undone

‘It should be her moment of triumph: a longed-for victory that has taken her the best part of 30 years and £70,000 of her own money to achieve.

Mother-of-three Teresa Cooper has finally pushed the Church of England into launching an investigation into one of the most cruel and bizarre episodes ever in the grim history of British children’s homes: how scores of children at a CofE institution were force-fed huge quantities of prescription drugs by a Dr Mengele-like charlatan seemingly bent on conducting unauthorised medical experiments.’

Read more: Victims of the Church care home Dr Mengele: For Teresa and her children, the damage of horrific drug experiments inflicted on girls in Church of England care homes 30 years ago can never be undone

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