We have a Constitutional Carry bill!

Several months ago, Texas Campaign For Liberty started our work on one of our most important issues in Texas, restoring our gun rights. For too long, Texans have been forced to choose between complying with a government registration and licensing scheme or being disarmed. Texans shouldn’t be forced to make that choice.

We asked you to stand with us as we fought to support a Constitutional Carry bill in Texas and you did. Thousands of Texans signed our petition to make the politicians in Austin know we want our rights back. We believe that our Second Amendment rights mean we don’t need a government permission slip to defend ourselves.

Constitutional Carry is a simple idea, one that goes back to our founding principles. If you can legally possess a firearm you can legally carry that firearm without government registration and licensing.

The good news is that Austin is starting to listen to us. We now have a Constitutional Carry bill filed in the Texas House of Representatives. The bad news is that the politicians that want to control you will do everything they can to stop the Constitutional Carry bill from ever seeing the light of day.

Without your help and support, they just might win.

The gun grabbers in Austin are already fighting back
by filing bills that would ban high capacity magazines in Texas and bills that would require government paperwork and background checks before you passed on your favorite hunting rifle to your family.

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time Texas Second Amendment supporters said, “Enough is enough!”

If you agree, I hope you’ll contact your State Representative and DEMAND they publicly support and seek roll call votes on HB195 – known as “the Constitutional Carry bill.”

I also hope you will sign our petition in support of a Constitutional Carry bill in Texas. You can sign the petition by clicking here.

If passed, Constitutional Carry would restore the right of every law-abiding citizen to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families – WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole!

This is the way it’s done in Alaska, Arizona, and Vermont – and most of Idaho and Montana.

And despite the hand-wringing of the gun-grabbers, the news media, and government bureaucrats, those states have not seen a rise in shootouts and vigilante justice since passing Constitutional Carry. I know you’re not surprised.

After all, career criminals know that attacking a “victim” armed with a firearm often results in early “retirement”!

So please, help stand up for our right to keep and bear arms by contacting your State Representative and DEMANDING they publicly support and seek roll call votes on HB195, the Constitutional Carry bill, at every opportunity. And don’t forget to sign our Constitutional Carry petition by clicking here.

In Liberty,

Byron Schirmbeck
Texas State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. The gun-grabbers know good and well criminals don’t ask for permission to legally carry a firearm.

I think it’s time Texas Second Amendment supporters said, “Enough is enough!”

If you agree, I hope you’ll contact your State Representative and DEMAND they publicly support and seek roll call votes on HB195 – known as “Constitutional Carry.”

Also, please sign our petition to demand the Texas legislature pass Constitutional Carry. You can sign by clicking here.

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