Wednesday Berlin Meeting May be the Last Chance

There is reason to believe that France’s President Hollande, whose popularity ratings have just doubled, according to a poll cited by Reuters, is fighting behind the scenes to try to stall or stop the imminent U.S. war with Russia, ostensibly over Ukraine, which Germany’s Chancellor Merkel and other European puppets of Wall Street and London are trying, in effect, to bring about.

Success is far from assured.

Yesterday’s meeting of European Union Foreign Ministers was overshadowed by a massive escalation of fighting by the fascist Kiev regime beginning Jan. 17, when it tried to seize Donetsk airport, while escalating shelling all along the war-front, and bombing towns from the air for the first time since May. The Russian Foreign Ministry stated rightly that the Kiev regime had timed its advance to coincide with the Monday meeting, to forestall any move to ease sanctions or improve relations with Russia.

After the meeting, EU High Representative Mogherini and the foreign ministers of Germany and Holland, among others, said that no one wants to reverse any sanctions in view of the fighting (for which Russia is axiomatically and falsely blamed).

The Russian Foreign Ministry responded that “the discussion of EU-Russian relations during a meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relations on 19 January, only confirmed the fact that the EU is still not ready to adjust its unfriendly policy, and also provide an unbiased assessment of the recent moves by the Kiev authorities, who violated the agreements reached and resumed action at the demarcation line in southeastern Ukraine, and began shelling cities and towns in that part of the country.”

But today, Reuters reports that the German Foreign Ministry has confirmed a report that the Russian, German, French, and Ukrainian Foreign Ministers will meet in “Normandy format” tomorrow evening, Jan. 21, in Berlin.

The secrecy of the discussions, and then this apparent change, probably reflect a back-and-forth battle behind the scenes, with France pushing back against the war danger, supported by some other countries. Of course it was President Hollande who personally invented the “Normandy format,” when he arranged a meeting between Merkel, Putin, Ukraine President Poroshenko, and himself (minus Obama and Cameron), at the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings in June, 2014.

If tomorrow’s meeting doesn’t work, we’re in imminent danger of an annihilation war.

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