West Coast orcas experiencing 100% infant mortality rate as radiation from Fukushima drifts across ocean

‘Marine biologists and other researchers are voicing serious concerns regarding the high mortality rate among orcas (killer whales) observed over the past couple of years.

No one has yet proven that there is a direct link between the 100 percent mortality rate seen among orca infants and the effects of the radiation contamination of the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima reactor leak in Japan, but it certainly can’t be ruled out as a possibility.

It is rather interesting that the incidence of orca deaths — not just of infants, but full-grown specimens as well — has risen sharply since the accident occurred in 2011 and as the radiation has made its way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of North America.’

Read more: West Coast orcas experiencing 100% infant mortality rate as radiation from Fukushima drifts across ocean

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