West’s sickening moral hijack of Paris massacre

‘The Western reaction to the massacre at a French magazine this week is sickening. Western leaders, from US President Barack Obama to Pope Francis, from Britain’s Queen Elizabeth to United Nation Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, have all come out in force to issue statements of condemnation and condolences over the mass killing of 12 people by two gunmen at a Parisienne office.

French President Francois Hollande declared a national day of mourning, flags are being flown at half-mast on government buildings and town halls, and the bells of Notre Dame Cathedral in the French capital rang out to pay respect for the victims.

But let’s put the slaughter of the French journalists and twopolicemen in perspective. Almost every week, a similar number of people are killed in air strikes and aerial drone attacks carried out by the US and its NATO allies, including France, in countries across Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa.’

Read more: West’s sickening moral hijack of Paris massacre

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