“What will it take to go after the Saudis?”

An important article in the Daily Beast by senior correspondent Eleanor Clift, her second since the press conference Jan. 7, goes after Obama for covering up the Saudi connection to global terrorism. The piece is titled, “White House: Don’t Call It Terrorism,” with the subhead: “Having flubbed Paris, the administration is convening a summit on countering violent extremism, carefully avoiding any reference to Islamic terrorism, never mind the facts.”

The thrust of Clift’s article is to go after the Obama Administration for refusing to talk about Islamic terrorism, strongly suggesting that this is because it would call the question on the Saudis.

She first quotes Farah Pandith, who was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s representative to Muslim communities, who says that we actually know a lot about Islamic extremism, and who funds it — which is the Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia. “It’s mind-blowing, the money to build shiny new mosques with a particular viewpoint,” Pandith says.

Clift then quotes Bill Galston of Brookings, who was a domestic policy advisor to Bill Clinton, arguing that it’s not just about nomenclature; the failure to identify the problem

“exposes a lack of strategic focus, and potentially weakens the government’s hand in the fight….the Saudis have spent upwards of $100 billion to disseminate [wahhabism], building mosques, supplying teachers and training imams. They’ve done a very good job of channeling internal dissent outward. Are we prepared as part of this united front against violent extremism inspired by a misguided interpretation of Islam, are we prepared to confront the Saudis who have played a central role in spreading these tenets?”

Clift writes:

Galston is saying out loud what many in Washington have been aware of in the aftermath of 9/11, when it was revealed that the 19 hijackers were of Saudi origin. Former Florida senator Bob Graham, who was chair of the Senate Select Committee that investigated the attacks, is pressing the Obama administration to make public 28 pages of the Senate report that document the Saudi role in funding and supporting the hijackers. He argues that the continued cover-up encourages the Saudis to continue spreading Wahhabism, and if Obama wants to seize the moment that Paris presents, he should declassify the 28 pages. “If Paris isn’t a turning point in our passivity toward the role the Saudis have played, what will it take?” he told The Daily Beast.

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