50 Things Real Men Must Know

How to wire a plug, the year England won the World Cup and what the difference is between lager and ale and are among the 50 things every ‘real’ man needs to know, research reveals.

Men should also know how to wet shave, polish their shoes and give a confident handshake, the study of 2,000 adults found.

A ‘real’ man should also know how to light a barbecue, what the scores were at the weekend – and recognise that when a woman says she is ‘fine’ it means she is not.

The research, which was commissioned by William Hill, concluded a man should also know his wedding anniversary without having to pause to think.

Which way is north, where the car’s spare tyre is kept and how much fuel you have left when the petrol light comes on also made the top 50 list.

A spokesman for bookmakers William Hill said: ‘The results show the range of skills, facts and ways of thinking that we associate with the modern man.

‘It shows a good blend of traditional values long associated with masculinity and the ability to master tasks that perhaps don’t come as easily to the modern man as they might to the generation before them.

‘Having confidence balanced with an attentive nature and, of course, a bit of sporting knowledge, should set men up well when checking themselves against the list.’

Other essential things to know in life were basic DIY, laundry and even map reading skills appeared in the 50 man facts, while acing parallel parking and driving in snow were also necessities.

Sporting a well-knotted tie, being able to introduce himself confidently and also knowing his own alcohol limits are also important qualities for a man to be familiar with.

And it would appear cave-man qualities are still well regarded – knowing how to start a camp fire, carve meat properly and light a barbecue all appear in the list.

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