Big Win for Grassroots in Nashville

From Hamblen Campaign for Liberty County Coordinator, Charles Cook:

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, Tennessee Campaign for Liberty helped to win a big fight in Nashville to stop Obamacare Expansion (Insure Tennessee).

Less than a month ago, political pundits were predicting Insure Tennessee would pass both the house and the senate.

Thanks to grassroots activists around the state, it never made it out of the first committee vote. The bill was killed in the Health and Welfare Committee by a vote of 4 – 7.

Members of the General Assembly were under a lot of pressure from the governor, the health care industry, and their lobbyists.

Because of people like you, we were able to push those representatives to do the right thing.

Thank you for taking the time to make phone calls to your representatives and signing our online petition. We were able to give Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey`s office 1,150 signed petitions, and I personally delivered to Speaker of the House Beth Harwell copies of 1,150 signed petitions.

Those signed petitions weighted heavy in the fight. Other members of the legislature asked for copies of the petitions as well. They needed those copies to show those representing the health care industry that there were a lot of people across the state against ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion.

Hundreds of grassroots activists filled the hallways of Legislative Plaza and the committee rooms.

In the end, because of the grassroots movement in Tennessee, ObamaCare Expansion is dead for the rest of 2015.

Thank You.

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