Demonizing Scientists and Critics of GMO Agriculture: The Cheap Propaganda of the Pro-GMO Lobby

‘The pro-GMO lobby always demands that its opponents produce scientific evidence to back up their claims. Parts of this lobby smear and attack people like Vandana Shiva, Professor G.E. Seralini and others for supposedly being incompetent, ‘liars’ or ideological/politically motivated (for example, read this piece on Shiva that calls her a liar, especially the part on farmer suicides – then see the evidence that Shiva provides to back up her claims here).

In its view, anti-GMO campaigners or certain scientists are ignorant, engage in bogus science or are ‘demagogues’ who use emotion and ideological rhetoric to sway opinion.

Let us address these accusations.’

Read more: Demonizing Scientists and Critics of GMO Agriculture: The Cheap Propaganda of the Pro-GMO Lobby

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