Did Netanyahu And The Mossad Have The Arrogance To Do An Exact Duplicate False Flag Like Charlie Hedbo, In Copenhagen, Denmark?

‘Is Israel DARING anyone to do something about these obvious FALSE FLAG’s?

In post, I wrote about the Charlie Hedbo FALSE FLAG attack. In the Charlie Hedbo attack, there were 3 elements:

1. Masked (of course) Gunmen (or gunman) unknown at the time but who turn out to be “Muslims” who turn up dead later (PATSIES) are involved in a shooting to do with a drawing disrespecting Muhammad. To make you think “Muslims” did it, “news” articles will say that the shooter(s) yelled “ALLAH AKBAR” or “God Is Great” which is a sure sign of a false flag.

2. There’s a secondary shooting at a Jewish-related site (kosher deli, synagogue, etc…because the first shooting wasn’t didn’t directly kill Jews and wasn’t anti-semetic enough).

3. Netanyahu goes on air and says the country hates Jews and they should move to Israel.

Guess what happened in Copenhagen, Denmark?’

Read more: Did Netanyahu And The Mossad Have The Arrogance To Do An Exact Duplicate False Flag Like Charlie Hedbo, In Copenhagen, Denmark?

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