Eyes in the skies: Mysterious bright spots on Ceres dwarf planet look like glowing eyes

‘Astronomers are puzzled by the latest images captured by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft. They show that there are two spots on Ceres that are much brighter than the rest of the dwarf planet’s rocky and pockmarked terrain.

The probe is due to enter Ceres’ orbit on March 6. It has already begun sending back the first photos of the dwarf planet that NASA has snapped since 2004. Back then, pictures from the Hubble Telescope showed a white area. Later, photos revealed that the white area is really a bright spot. Now scientists say there is a second, slightly dimmer, yet still noticeably bright spot next to the first…and they don’t know what’s causing them.’

Read more: Eyes in the skies: Mysterious bright spots on Ceres dwarf planet look like glowing eyes

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