FCC approves net neutrality rules, reclassifies broadband as a utility

‘It’s a good day for proponents of an open internet: The Federal Communications Commission just approved its long-awaited network neutrality plan, which reclassifies broadband internet as a Title II public utility and gives the agency more regulatory power in the process.

And unlike the FCC’s last stab at net neutrality in 2010, today’s new rules also apply to mobile broadband. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler laid out the basic gist of the plan earlier this month — it’ll ban things like paid prioritization, a tactic some ISPs used to get additional fees from bandwidth-heavy companies like Netflix, as well as the slowdown of “lawful content.”

But now Wheeler’s vision is more than just rhetoric; it’s something the FCC can actively enforce.’

Read more: FCC approves net neutrality rules, reclassifies broadband as a utility

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