GMOs invade fruit industry: Apples, pears, cherries and peaches to all become unlabeled GMO

‘Genetically modified apples have been approved by the industry-corrupted USDA, a federal regulator that accomplishes for the biotech industry the same thing the FDA achieves for Big Pharma: unlimited profits, lax regulation and a ready willingness to accept fabricated “science” as fact.

“The USDA’s environmental review received 73,000 comments that overwhelmingly opposed the commercialization of Arctic Apples,” explains a press release from Food & Water Watch. [1]

The GMO apple that just received approval was developed by the Okanagan Specialty Fruits company, which says it “…married the best of nature with the best of science.”‘

Read more: GMOs invade fruit industry: Apples, pears, cherries and peaches to all become unlabeled GMO

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