Greece Owes Nothing to Britain’s Criminal Banking Syndicate

The apathy of the rulers of the civilised world to the astonishing circumstance of the descendants of that Greek nation to which they owe their civilisation, rising as it were from the ashes of their ruin, is something perfectly inexplicable to a mere spectator of the shows of this mortal scene. We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their root in Greece . . . Percy Bysshe ShelleyIntroduction, Hellas, A Lyrical Drama

Lyndon LaRouche reiterated on Thursday that the entirety of the so-called Greek debt to the Troika, is fraudulent and must not be paid.  “Looting does not constitute legitimate debt,” LaRouche warned, and the British-run European and Wall Street banks ran a non-stop looting of the Greek people, the Greek economy, and the Greek banks.  Just because, on some occasions, corrupt Greek officials were in on the swindle with partners like Goldman Sachs does not make the debt any less criminal.

The Greek government must be given full international backing for its stand, that the debt is unpayable and must be slashed.  LaRouche said it even more bluntly:  The debt is illegal, it is unpayable, and it is the fruit of a London-led criminal enterprise that must be shut down altogether, if the world is to survive the coming months without an eruption of general war in the center of Europe.

Members of LaRouchePAC participate in a Greek solidarity rally in New York City on Feb. 11, 2015 with a sign reading “Wall Street and Troika are Bankrupt, Not Greece!”

On Thursday, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis wrote to the Eurozone Finance Ministers and ECB President Mario Draghi, demanding a six month extension of the current arrangements, to allow time to organize a debt conference, and to develop a plan for a Greek economic recovery—minus the austerity. Germany instantly rejected the proposal, prompting the Greek government to make the letter public, and setting the stage for a showdown on Friday, when the Eurozone finance ministers meet to determine their next move.  Behind the scenes, even inside the ECB, there is widespread recognition that the debt cannot be paid and that a new arrangement is necessary.  Former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing told the French media that Greece should be given an opportunity to organize a “friendly exit” from the Euro.

The two essential points to bear in mind are the following:

First, it is the entire trans-Atlantic financial system that is bankrupt—not Greece. The “Ponzi Schemes,” and the quantitative easing hyperinflationary swindles have made matters worse.  There is no turning back from an orderly cancellation of the entire gambling debt bubble, starting with the quadrillions of dollars in derivatives, such as the credit default swap contracts that were taken out on the Greek government bonds at the same time that Goldman Sachs and others were shorting the debt

And second, none of the so-called Greek debt to the Troika and the European banks is legitimate.  Not even ten percent of the money went to anything resembling productive investment in the real Greek economy.  The Greek people have been decimated by the British-led looting.  They owe nothing!

Nothing highlights the criminal nature of the British financial empire more than the continuing exposes of HSBC, underway around the world.  Don’t forget, that HSBC was once known as “the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation”—the Crown jewel of Britain’s Opium War policies, and the central bank for the global dope trade.

Now, with the criminal raids in Switzerland, the “deferred prosecution” sweetheart deal from Obama in the United States, the ongoing investigations in India—showing that HSBC, along with the Queen’s own Couts Bank, laundered the money for the Daoud Ibrahim-organized Mumbai terrorist attack of late 2008, and the criminal actions against the bank in Argentina, it should be a clear reminder, that the entire London/Wall Street-run trans-Atlantic financial system of too-big-to-fail banks, is one gigantic criminal enterprise.  It is Dope, Inc., and the only appropriate action is a massive global Pecora Commission prosecution and shutdown of these banks.

When you look back at the LIBOR swindle, the revelations of HSBC being the number one drug-money-laundering bank for the Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, the Swiss-based HSBC global tax-evasion scheme, and to the links of HSBC to the Golden Chain of Saudi banks behind the financing of Al Qaeda and ISIS, the point should be clear:  This is global organized crime, at the top.  And they expect to be paid back for the blood they extracted from the Greek people?

A full investigation of HSBC’s criminality on behalf of the Crown, would also reveal the intimate relations with Prince Bandar bin-Sultan (or, perhaps, bin-Satan), particularly in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. While the Swiss HSBC private bank documents confirmed that Bandar was a tax-evasion customer, the real story is much bigger. For a period of years, HSBC was the only bank in the United States that would manage Bandar and the Saudi embassy’s money.  Before and after 9/11, according to qualified Washington sources, Bandar was receiving $30 million a month in transfers from the Bank of England to his personal account at HSBC New York (and later, HSBC Washington, DC) as his cut in the Al Yamamah arms-for-oil deal that created the biggest terrorist slush fund in history.

SEE “The Anglo-Saudi Terror Network”

The blowing of the lid off the London/Wall Street banking swindle is key to preventing the war from erupting in the heart of Europe.  So far, Putin, Hollande, Merkel, and Poroshenko are sticking to their commitments to a cease-fire in Ukraine, as the first step to a genuine resolution of the crisis, which began with Victoria Nuland’s Nazi regime-change operation in 2013-2014. All four leaders know that Obama, on behalf of the British, is pushing to arm the Ukrainians as a trigger for war with Russia. Victoria Nuland, Obama’s neo-con Nazi-lover, is running around Georgia and other points east pushing the provocations.

Nuland must be dumped now, as another precondition for war prevention.  As long as she is running around on behalf of Obama, the danger of war is too grave to tolerate.  With her ouster, Obama becomes vulnerable. Either he is removed from office himself, or, as LaRouche put it, “he is considerably constrained,” or, the war cannot be stopped.

These are critical days, in which the very future of mankind hangs in the balance.  The Greeks must be given full international support to stand up to the fraudsters and murderers in London.  Nuland must be fired and Obama put in a box or dumped, himself.  That combination of actions is sufficient to push back the war danger.  Then, the orderly wiping out of London and Wall Street’s imperial debt bubble, can set the stage for a genuine economic revolution, of the sort launched by Alexander Hamilton at the close of the American Revolution, and mirrored today in the actions of the BRICS.


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