Greek Parliament To Launch Committee To Audit Greek Debt

The Greek Parliament is planning to audit the Greek debt and investigate what led to the Greek bailout. Parliament Speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou revealed plans on Feb. 24 to set up two committees to audit Greece’s public debt and to examine the country’s claims for Second World War reparations from Germany. A third committee would be set up to check the circumstances in which Greece had to sign its first bailout agreement in May 2010.

The announcement was made following a meeting with her Cypriot counterpart, Yiannakis Omirou, who is a member of the Cypriot Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK), which is in the Cypriot opposition. Konstantopoulou argued that the Troika memorandums have led to parliaments being “blackmailed.”

She said the investigation into how Greece’s debt, currently totaling around 175% of GDP, was accumulated, would be a “tool aimed at rectifying an acute injustice against the Greek people.” She added that there was a need to search for the truth about how the country was led into the Memorandum, who and what policies were responsible. Konstantopoulou then asked Omirou for the Cypriot House of Representatives to help in this search for truth, noting that the Greek Parliament will assist the Cyprus Parliament to seek the truth about how Cyprus reached its Memorandum.

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